After the strangest year many of us can remember, most people’s mental health has been affected in some way, which arguably makes it more important than ever to begin taking a more proactive approach to looking after your mind.
We believe these little tips could help you to look after your mind in a big way:
1. Know When to Say No
Saying ‘no’ doesn’t have to mean that you’re in a negative mindset. Instead, knowing when to say ‘no’ can be a big act of self-care, as it means you’re able to recognise when you need to avoid burnout and protect your mental health.
Even virtual plans can feel draining when you’re staring at a screen all day, so don’t be afraid of turning down plans every now and again. Everyone recharges their batteries in different ways and, for some of us, that means being by yourself for a little while.
Just make sure you’re not cutting yourself off from your support network completely; if you find yourself with no energy for any of your plans, talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling.
2. Don’t Let Stress Overwhelm You
Stress can be an all-consuming emotion, but there are steps you can take to try to keep it at bay. However, trying to stay organised and compiling to-do lists can only go so far; the biggest factor has to be your mindset.
If you find your mind racing with worries about everything you ‘should’ be doing, try to take a step back, take a deep breath and practice a little mindfulness. Try to anchor yourself back to the present moment, and focus on the task at hand; everything else can wait. If half of your energy is being used to worry about future tasks, you won’t be giving your all to the here and now, which will only give you even more to stress about.
Our Garden of Life Organics Herbal Stress Balance Capsules are designed to help your body and mind to manage the effects of everyday stress.