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How to Get Better Sleep to Boost Your Wellbeing

How to Get Better Sleep to Boost Your Wellbeing
Garden of Life
Writer and expert4 years ago
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When did you last enjoy a solid, restorative night of sleep? If you can’t remember, you’re not alone; around one-third of adults in the UK are thought to struggle with a sleep disorder of some kind, such as insomnia.


Sleep deprivation can have a serious impact on your mental wellbeing, with extreme tiredness affecting people’s ability to concentrate, communicate and function at their best; in some cases, this can prove dangerous.


But what can be done if you simply can’t seem to get to sleep? There are steps that you can take to relax your mind before you go to bed to improve your chances of a good night’s sleep to leave you feeling rested and ready to take on the day ahead.

Why A Good Night’s Sleep is So Important


Our bodies may feel rested after sleep, but they’re actually hard at work while we’re dreaming away. This is the time when cells are restored and hormones are synthesised, while the rest that we get puts our brains and bodies in a better place to deal with vital functional processes the following day.


In contrast, sleep deprivation can impact the immune system, potentially making you more vulnerable to colds and viruses, affecting recovery time too. A sleep-deprived body is also hindered in its ability to regulate blood pressure effectively, which could lead to other health issues over the long term.


What’s more, a lack of sleep can impact the metabolism, leading to the increased production of ghrelin, the ‘hunger hormone’, and lower levels of leptin, a hormone associated with satiety.

Quick Fixes for Better Sleep: The Verdict


man napping under a tree in the sun


The average adult needs seven to eight hours of sleep a night, although everyone’s sleep needs will differ slightly. Many people try to make up for the fact that they don’t get quite enough sleep by drinking too much caffeine or even taking short power naps throughout the day, which can ultimately impact their ability to sleep at night.


Napping can be detrimental to a healthy sleeping pattern, impacting your wellbeing as a result. The onset of exhaustion can be physically and emotionally draining, affecting memory, learning and concentration, as well as low mood and stress levels.

How to Sleep Better


Instead of reaching for another coffee, try one of these other tactics for improving your sleeping habits:

Stop Napping


As we said earlier, we recommend avoiding naps, as tempting as they might be. If you’re feeling overtired, it would be better to stay awake for a little longer, then go to bed early and enjoy a proper night’s sleep.

Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine


Establishing a bedtime routine can help you to get into the habit of winding down your mind and body at the end of each day. Our night-time routine tips include:


  • Avoid screens in the hour before you want to go to sleep - this includes your phone, TV and computer. Instead, read, meditate or even practise some calming yoga
  • Have a bath to relax your muscles and take some time away from the stresses of your day
  • Drink a warm, milky drink or a beverage known for its relaxing properties, such as a chamomile tea
  • Keep a notepad by your bed where you can write down any worries that are on your mind to offload them, leaving them ready to be dealt with the next day. Some people also like to practise gratitude before they go to bed, writing down a few moments from their day that they’re thankful for, ending the day in a more positive mindset

Avoid Stimulants


Whether it’s caffeine or alcohol, stimulants may provide you with a quick fix, but they can leave you feeling wired with a racing mind when you’re supposed to be going to sleep. Try to stick to one cup of coffee in the mornings, introduce more decaffeinated drinks into your routine, and cut down on your alcohol consumption.

Exercise Regularly


Exercising has myriad benefits for both your physical and mental health - including leaving you feeling more tired out. Exercising outdoors and getting some fresh air at the same time may also help you to sleep better, so consider introducing an evening walk or run into your routine, to be followed by a bath or shower to begin your relaxing bedtime routine.

Avoid Heavy Evening Meals


Eating a heavy meal late in the evening can lead to heartburn and indigestion, keeping you awake and affecting your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Good foods to eat before bed include:


  • Bananas - their high magnesium content helps to relax the muscles. Bananas are also a natural source of serotonin and melatonin, which can help to encourage sleep
  • Honey - a drizzle of honey or a teaspoon stirred through a bedtime drink can help to stimulate the release of melatonin, encouraging the body to wind down
  • Fatty fish - fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel can be a healthy choice for an evening meal, thanks to their high vitamin D and omega-3 content, which are believed to influence the production of sleep-promoting serotonin in the brain

Embrace Meditation


woman meditating


Meditation can be practised at any time of day, but it can be especially effective before you want to go to sleep. Meditation is all about relaxing the body and mind to leave you in a calm, peaceful state, which is exactly what you want before sleeping.


Discover more ways to look after your mind and body from home:


Garden of Life
Writer and expert
View Garden of Life's profile