Your Health

The Importance of a Healthy Balanced Lifestyle

The importance of a Healthy balanced lifestyle

In the modern world, it can sometimes feel like you’re constantly trying (and failing) to find an equilibrium between your health, family, work, social life, and mental well-being.  


This can be very overwhelming, but with a few simple lifestyle adjustments equilibrium can be restored, and a healthy balanced lifestyle achieved. 


What is a healthy balanced lifestyle? 


Physical, mental, and social well-being are the three main pillars of a healthy balanced lifestyle. 


Successfully looking after all three keeps your body healthy, allows you to fight off illness and ensures you don’t succumb to burnout 


Ultimately a healthy balanced lifestyle is key to living your very best life. 


How to achieve a healthy balanced lifestyle. 


With the wealth of contradictory information available on the internet and social media platforms, identifying how to maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle can be difficult and open to misinterpretation. 


To bring things back to basics and help you adopt practices that support a healthy balanced lifestyle we’ve targeted four key areas that can have a huge impact on your lifestyle quality and wellbeing. 




Eating well is key to a healthy lifestyle and ensuring that your body receives the nutrition it needs to function effectively.  


However, healthy doesn’t have to mean being boring. A balanced diet incorporates food from all food groups, keeping your diet varied and exciting.  


If you’re aiming to improve your diet, these are some simple updates you could make to maximise the daily nutrients your body receives: 


  • Five fruit and vegetables a day: A key food group that is rich in vitamins and nutrients.  
  • 450mg of Omega-3. Excellent sources of Omega-3 include brussels sprouts, mackerel, pecans, salmon, soya beans and walnuts.  
  • Limit your alcohol consumption: 14 Units a week is recommended by NHS for both men and women, the equivalent of 6 pints of average-strength beer or 10 small glasses of lower-strength wine. 
  • Drink six to eight glasses of water each day: This keeps your body hydrated and functioning well. 
  • Reduce your sugar intake: Where possible, use healthier alternatives to sugar in your diet. Instead, opt to replace it with natural ingredients such as honey.  
  • Reduce your intake of saturated fats: Butter, fatty meats, and cheese are all high in saturated fats and can increase your risk of heart disease and other health issues. 


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An easy way to boost your balanced diet is by taking our Enzyme Organic Digest+ Tropical Fruit Chewables. Containing 29 powdered fruits and vegetables, one of these vegan gummies a day, is a good way to boost your body’s absorption of nutrients.  





Exercise is another great way to help you on your way towards a healthy balanced lifestyle.  


Simply doing 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week will inject your life with a host of health benefits. Simply doing just 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day will inject your life with a host of health benefits. These benefits can range from maintaining a healthy weight to improving your mental health, and keeping your body functioning.  


If you’re unsure where to start with exercise, why not try them all? From fencing to football, there are endless amounts of exercises and activities for you to try before you find the right one for you. You could even work out with a friend, as this not only holds you accountable but also makes it more fun – laughter is the best medicine after all. 


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While many of us would love to have 7-9 hours of sleep every night, sometimes that can be a struggle.  


The allure of a phone screen can eat into precious sleeping hours more easily than you realise. Disconnecting from your phone (and other technology) two hours before your bedtime will ensure your mind is relaxed and not adversely impacted by the blue light. Prioritise a bedtime routine over beeps. 


A relaxing atmosphere is also key. To make your bedroom a sleep haven, introduce a night-time room spray into your routine.




Self-care has become somewhat of a buzzword but doesn’t discount the importance of this step in your journey toward a healthy balanced lifestyle. 


Incorporating just 5 minutes of meditation into your daily routine can help you feel more relaxed. Try listening to a meditation app before you start your day to help you focus and relax your mind – as a bonus this is technically an extra five minutes in bed. 


Finding joy in the small things can also go a long way towards improving your mental health. If you love cooking, why not try some new recipes? If you love reading, is there a book club you can join? If you love art, is there a local class you can attend? Little actions add up and impact the bigger lifestyle picture. 


Remember, adding self-care into your day-to-day should be enjoyable and not a burden. These are moments when you can switch off from hectic work schedules and responsibilities, allowing you to relax and de-stress. 


When will I have a healthy balanced lifestyle? 


A healthy balanced lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight. Try and set yourself achievable goals that you can work towards daily, weekly, or monthly. Even just aiming to eat five fruit and vegetables can go a long way to improving your wellbeing.  


We are often our own worst critics and prone to comparison, but a healthy balanced lifestyle isn’t a race or competition, this is long-term sustainable healthy living that places your needs first. 


More advice on how to introduce positive changes into your lifestyle can be found here: 



Garden of Life

Garden of Life

Writer and expert