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How to Boost Mental Wellness

How to Boost Mental Wellness
Garden of Life
Writer and expert2 years ago
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When looking to improve overall health, our mental wellbeing is often overlooked. Battling with hectic schedules in today's modern world, it’s common to forget to practice self-care and to prioritise our mental wellness.


Whether you’re a travelling professional or a busy stay-at-home parent, there are many simple things you can do to give your everyday life a mindful tweak and take care of your mental wellbeing.


At Garden of Life, we believe in a holistic concept of health and wellbeing, and that’s why we’ve put together a helpful guide on how to boost your mental wellness and minimise your daily stress with a few small tricks and with the support of wellbeing supplements.


What is Mental Wellness?


Mental wellness is the ability to handle the stresses of life without it affecting your physical, emotional and mental self. Whether you’re going through major life changes, such as a breakup or moving house, or taking on difficult situations at work, being in a state of mental wellbeing will help you to remain positive and get the most out of life regardless of any external factors or emotions.


7 Ways to Improve Your Mental Wellbeing


1. Get the Right Amount of Sleep


The quality – and quantity – of your sleep goes hand in hand with your mental health. After all, there’s nothing as soothing as a good night of sleep!


Getting the right amount of sleep for your body will help to stabilise mood, reduce stress and fatigue, and may also help to improve intellectual performance.


While being stressed might cause severe disruptions in your sleeping pattern, ensuring that you stick to a schedule and try to sleep an average of 7-8 hours a night will help your body to rest and reset.


Learn more on how to get better sleep to boost your wellbeing on our blog.


2. Practice Mindfulness


One of the most common practices to reduce stress and anxiety in your daily life is commonly referred to as mindfulness.


This simple yet extremely effective technique helps people to focus on the present, without judgement. With most of our anxiety stemming directly from past or future events, taking a couple of minutes to focus on your breath and on the present moment can be helpful to put your problems into a manageable perspective.


There are many ways to start practicing mindfulness, from following YouTube videos to helpful guides. Find what works best for you and set aside some time for yourself!


Read more in our own guide to practicing mindfulness here:



3. Eat Healthy, Balanced Meals


Stress, anxiety and other mental health problems can affect your nutrition. While some people try and soothe their symptoms with their favourite comfort foods, others simply don’t feel like eating.


However, your body needs to stick to a consistent – and balanced – routine to function at its best. Focus on your nutrition and meal prep to ensure your body is receiving the essential nutrients and vitamins it needs.


A well-balanced diet will help you to feel less tired and unmotivated, while taking care of your meal preparation will help you stick to a steady schedule. You can also consider taking vitamins and supplements to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs to function normally. Check out these key vitamins and multivitamins you can add to your routine to boost your mental wellbeing:



Add plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables to your diet and plan a weekly menu to enjoy the positive effects!



4. Get Your Daily Steps In


Daily physical activity is one of the staples of mental and physical health.


Whether you’re working from home or commuting to the office, finding the time to take a walk or exercise is one of the best ways to immediately improve your mood and health.


Plus, it doesn’t have to be anything too strenuous. Walking at least 10k steps a day can help to reduce stress and anxiety, in addition to improving your sleep quality. Put your favourite podcast on, tie your running shoes, and get ready for a dopamine and serotonin kick!



5. Start Journaling


Busy schedules can often make us feel overwhelmed. Keeping a journal is one of the best ways to keep your motivation high, helping you to take note of any positive aspects to your day and helping you set up new goals for the future.


This mindful approach will help you gain a better understanding of who you are and remind you of all the amazing things you do every day!


6. Limit Screen Time


Social media can be a fun way to pass time and connect with loved ones but limiting your screen time –especially before going to bed! – is key to improving your mental wellbeing in the long run.


With many people showcasing their lives over social media, it’s easy to feel jealous of others or, even, to feel inadequate about yourself. It’s important to remind yourself that social media is a representation of another’s highlights and take time focus on your own daily achievements.


7. Cultivate Friendships


Lastly, the best way to take care of yourself and of your mental wellbeing is to cultivate your friendships. Take some time to plan some outdoor activities or a simple phone call with your loved ones to enjoy their company and affection.


Take on whatever life throws at you by taking just a few of these steps above to boost your mental wellbeing. Not only will they help you feel more positive to tackle the everyday stresses of life, but your overall health will thank you too.


To help boost your mental wellness further, discover our top picks for the best vitamins for stress relief in this article:


Your Mind

5 Vitamins and Supplements for Stress Relief

Get the lowdown on the best vitamins for stress with Garden of Life.

Garden of Life
Writer and expert
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