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How to Increase Your Libido

How to Increase Your Libido
Garden of Life
Writer and expert12 months ago
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With modern lifestyles and individual circumstances, the very cadence of sexual desire may find itself altered. In fact, up to 1 in 5 men, and even more women experience a loss of libido at some point in their lives. 


However, it doesn’t have to be long-term problem. If you’re wondering how to increase your libido, we’ve got a number of tips for you.   


What is Libido?  


Libido is a term commonly used to describe your sex drive (the desire for sexual activity). Libido levels can vary person to person, but also from day-to-day. It’s important to add that there is no ‘normal’ level of libido, it’s only when people have an extremely high or low libido that it may be a cause for concern.  


Why Do I Have No Libido? 

Here are just a few of the common causes of low libido to help you determine what may be influencing your sex drive: 


  • Challenges within relationships 
  • Mental health issues including stress, anxiety or depression 
  • Erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness 
  • Pregnancy and looking after a baby, where shifting hormones conflict with the demands of nurturing a newborn 
  • Hormone imbalance, as well as hormonal contraception or the menopause 
  • Side effects of certain medications, including anti-depressants or blood pressure medication  
  • Long-term health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease or an underactive thyroid 
  • Poor sleep 
  • Diet 
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol 


How to Increase Your Libido  


Increasing your libido levels can require a multifaceted approach that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of sexual desire. To help you overcome low libido, we’ve put together some approaches that can collectively pave the way for rekindling your sex drive.  


Reduce Stress and Anxiety 


The stress and anxiety you encounter during your day may reduce your libido. This is due to the body producing more cortisol (the stress hormone), which may result in a lower desire for sexual activity.  


Reducing stress through practices like mindfulness, meditation or yoga may help to alleviate some anxiety and depression; fostering a more receptive environment for sexual desire.  


We recommend introducing one of these activities into your daily schedule to help you manage the stress you may encounter throughout the day. The effectiveness of stress management techniques can vary depending on the severity, however, practising these regularly over the course of a few weeks may help.  



Engaging in regular physical activity can help to promote the release of cortisol, oestrogen, prolactin, and testosterone, which may influence your sex drive. This could be as simple as going for a gentle jog or trying weightlifting, swimming or doing a HIIT workout.  


However, it is important to add that excessive levels of exercise may also cut your desire and motivation for sexual activity. When you overtrain, it can cause a hormonal imbalance, which can make your sex drive plummet and your cortisol level climb. To avoid this, you need to provide your body with enough time to rest and recover before starting your next workout.  


Maintain a Good Sleep Cycle 


Insufficient sleep may decrease libido due to the rise of the stress hormone, cortisol, which is usually regulated by an efficient sleep cycle 


We recommend getting 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night to provide yourself with enough time for your body to reset and recharge. 


What Supplements Can Help with Libido? 


If you've been experiencing a low sex drive, you may have heard about some potential libido-boosting supplements. 


Maca root provides a rich supply of minerals including vitamin C, B1, B2, B12 and selenium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, which are linked to balancing your hormones.  


Another supplement is zinc, which is required for sperm production and testosterone synthesis, so may contribute to your libido. In women, zinc may balance hormone levels especially those who are experiencing the menopause where hormones are lower  



Now you know that leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a balanced nutrition is key to reviving your libido, discover more ways to support your wellness with in-depth guides on our blog:  


Garden of Life
Writer and expert
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